Additional maintenance grant payment for 2,232 Mayo students today

DEPUTY Michael Ring has welcomed the announcement that students in Mayo who receive the maintenance grant will today receive an extra payment. This will be of benefit to 2,232 students in Mayo.

The move, which was agreed as a cost of living measure in Budget 2023, will see eligible PLC, undergraduate and postgraduate students who receive the special rate of grant receive the equivalent to one monthly maintenance grant payment at 2022 levels.

The student maintenance grant is vital to help relieve the financial pressures facing students and their parents, particularly with the significant costs of education, he said. The increased costs of living has also made the last few months challenging for students.

“Today, an additional student grant payment is being made, a move which will put money back in the pockets of students.

“Today’s payment is in addition to the scheduled maintenance grant payment which was paid yesterday, December 15.”

Students whose maintenance grant payments commence after today will receive their once-off extra maintenance grant following their first payment.

Separately, the student maintenance grant rates will increase effective from January 2023. This will mean that from January, the Special and Band 1 maintenance grant rates will increase by 14%, and all other maintenance grant rates will increase by 10%. Students will see their rates increase proportionally.

The undergraduate student contribution fee for eligible higher education students was also reduced by €1,000 for this academic year.

“Today's additional student maintenance grant payment will help ease financial concerns for students over the Christmas period,” concluded Deputy Ring.