Senator Lisa Chambers.

Green light for cancer centre for west

THE green light has been given for a dedicated cancer centre in Galway, Senator Lisa Chambers has confirmed.

She received the confirmation today from her colleague, Minister for Health Stephen Donnelly, that a cancer centre for University Hospital Galway has been included in the HSE Capital Plan.

Commenting on the positive announcement for the west, Senator Chambers said: “I'm delighted to confirm this morning that the HSE have included a dedicated cancer centre at University Hospital Galway in their capital plan.

“This means that the project can now proceed to design and planning.

“It's a clear statement of intent from the government that they want the project started. This will get the groundwork done, and there is clear support now from government to progress the project and deliver a brand-new cancer centre in Galway that would serve the entire region.

“Fianna Fáil are committed to providing world class cancer care across the regions of Ireland and this will ensure patients across Mayo won't have to travel long distances for care.

“I'm looking forward to the project moving forward and I want to thank Minister Donnelly for his work on this.

“This is fantastic news for healthcare care in Mayo and the West as this cancer centre will serve patients from a dedicated facility.”

Deputy Alan Dillon said he too was delighted, after a long campaign, with this very positive news.

“I am looking forward to seeing this project come to fruition and will continue to push for its development until this happens,” he said.