GOAL Mile ambassador Stephen Rochford.

Rochford to lead south Mayo Goal Mile this St. Stephen's Day

RESIDENTS and visitors in the south Mayo area are being asked to run, jog or walk a mile with the Mayo senior football assistant manager, Stephen Rochford, this St. Stephen’s Day.

The Christmas tradition of running, jogging or walking a mile in support of Goal’s work has been taking place since the 1980s. For the second year running, Stephen, one of the Goal Mile ambassadors, will take to The Green in Ballinrobe on December 26 from 11.30 a.m. to 12.30 p.m. and is asking everyone to join him in running or walking a mile for the charity.

A number of sporting groups and organisations in Ballinrobe have this year pledged their support for Rochford to raise funds for this worthy charity. Lake District AC, Ballinrobe GAA Club, Ballinrobe Soccer Club, Ballinrobe Rugby Club and the Town Park’s Committee have all agreed to request members to take part in the event and afterwards to join them for refreshments at The Green. The event is sponsored by AIB.

This year marks the 40th anniversary of the event, which has seen tens of thousands of people run or walk a mile, just 2,000 steps, to raise funds and enable GOAL’s work supporting vulnerable communities in 14 countries across the globe.

Stephen said: “I am encouraging everyone to come out and join me at The Green, Ballinrobe, at 11.30 a.m. on St. Stephen’s Day for what will be a fun family event. I am very passionate about this charity and really hope we can also raise some money while also working off some of the Christmas turkey!”

People and communities across Ireland can Step Up Together to take part by visiting www.goalmile.org.

It is a special way to be part of the wider community at Christmas before settling back in with your own family for the rest of the day and it has always been an important tradition that got sidelined into the virtual realm by Covid but which is now back on a track, around a pitch or in a park near you.

Donations to GOAL can be made at www.goalglobal.org/donate.