The Mall River, Westport. PHOTO: TOURISM IRELAND

Weak foundations in west Mayo town river walls a concern

CONCERN has been expressed that the walls of the Mall River, which flows through Westport, have weakened foundations in spots.

Some are weak and have been damaged, Councillor Christy Hyland told a municipal district meeting.

The walls secure the footpaths and streets and he wanted to know who is responsible for them.

The river, councillors were told, is neither an OPW or council river.

Further upriver, ownership belonged to private individuals.

Councillor Brendan Mulroy made the point that for years the local authority had looked after the river. Did they not have a duty of care to continue that.

The point was made to him in that regard that the town council did, not the county council. It didn't mean they owned it.

Councillor Hyland said his concern is that the walls are secured before there is an issue.

“A stitch in time is the thing,” agreed Councillor Johnny O'Malley.