Suspected cocaine detected during Mayo gardaí operation

Suspected cocaine with an estimated value of €1,000 has been discovered by gardaí in Mayo during a search of a house in Castlebar.

The search was conducted at a property in the Westport Road area of the town on foot of a warrant.

A quantity of medicines were also found at the scene by members of the Mayo Garda Drugs Division, assisted by a member of the Garda Dog Unit.

The suspected cocaine and the medicines have been sent for analysis as investigations continue into the matter.

A similar search was conducted at a property in the Turlough Road area of the town where no suspected illegal substances were detected.

Members of the Gardaí Armed Support Unit were in attendance at both locations.

Gardaí in Mayo have been involved in a multi-agency operation as part of an ongoing clampdown on the sale and possession of illegal drugs.

Members of Customs Ireland and the Mayo Garda Traffic Unit were also involved in the coordinated operation which saw the setting up of a number of checkpoints along the N5 roadway.