BMW, Rolex watches and €15,000 in cash seized during CAB searches

Muireann Duffy

A BWM, watches, jewellery and a large sum of cash have been seized by the Criminal Assets Bureau (CAB) following an operation in Dublin on Friday.

Officers searched eight premises - one residential and seven business - in Dublin 13 on Friday morning.

During the course of the searches a BMW X7 M Sport, valued new at €146,000, was seized, in addition to approximately €15,000 in cash.

Two Rolex watches and jewellery valued in excess of €20,000 were also seized, as well as documents connection to financial and property transactions.

Gardaí said Friday's operation marked a significant development in ongoing investigations focusing on the assets of an international Organised Crime Group involved in the "cultivation, sale and supply of controlled drugs through a network of Cannabis Grow Houses, Brothel keeping and the subsequent laundering of the proceeds of their criminal conduct".