Project team appointed to Mayo emergency department extension

A project team has been appointed to progress the extension to the emergency department at Mayo University Hospital, Deputy Alan Dillon TD has said.

The HSE has informed him that provision has been made in the Capital Plan to progress the extension at ground floor level to the existing emergency department (ED) at the Castlebar based hospital.

“It is proposed that this will provide seven new assessment and treatment spaces in the ED.

"A new first floor medical assessment unit will also be constructed, which will provide an additional ten assessment spaces for unscheduled care services,” the HSE stated.

Deputy Dillon said he understands that a design team has been appointed from the HSE Design Team Framework to progress the project which include an architect, civil and structure engineers, mechanical and electrical engineers, quantity surveying services, fire safety and project supervisors for the design stage.

Deputy Dillon said: “I have been informed the design team have progressed the preliminary design stage last year and a report has been submitted to the HSE which will conclude within three months.”

In a further question to the HSE, Deputy Dillon asked for details of the formal capital investment proposal submitted for the provision of single room en-suite bed capacity at Mayo University Hospital.

He was informed that provision has been made in the capital plan to update a development control plan for Mayo University Hospital.

“This will include a feasibility study to see how a new hospital ward block might be developed on the hospital site.

"Following the outcome of this initial feasibility study, the process of preparing a formal capital investment proposal can be progressed,” he explained.

Deputy Dillon said it is imperative that both these projects at Mayo University Hospital are progressed as soon as possible.

“These are two vital projects for the facility, work on which must continue at pace to see them through to completion.

‘Formal approval was granted by HSE Estates in July 2021 to proceed with the extension at the emergency department that will greatly increase capacity at the hospital.

"Capacity has become an increasingly difficult situation at the hospital in recent years and the new emergency extension, along with a further ward block will go a long way in increasing the space at the hospital,” he added.