The life of the Scottish Bard, Robert Burns, will be celebrated with a Burns Supper in Westport this weekend.

Mayo-based Celtic FC supporters' club to host a Burns Supper

Westport Celtic Supporters' Club are going to host a 'Burns Supper' this weekend to celebrate the life and work of Scotland’s national poet, Robert Burns

The special evening of poetry, song and music will take place in Cú Chulainn's Bar, Westport, tomorrow (Saturday, January 28) at 8 p.m., and will honour the Scottish Bard who wrote classic poems and songs such as 'Auld Lang Syne', 'My Love is Like a Red Red Rose' and 'Ae Fond Kiss'.

The evening will also honour the memory of Celtic and Scotland international football legend, Tommy Burns.

Adam Stevens, chairperson of Westport Celtic Supporters Club, explained: “A Burns Supper is a unique occasion and we are delighted to have special guests to perform songs, poetry and music. The most important aspect of a Burns Supper is that everyone enjoys themselves.”

Admission is free (but a donation towards the meal and entertainment will be accepted). More information can obtained from Adrian on (083) 8623303.