Education and Training Boards Ireland have launched Spraoi'23 in collaboration with An Chomhairle um Oideachas Gaeltachta agus Gaelscolaíochta, an initiative to put the fun back in Gaeilge. Pictured at the launch were: Conan Ó Maolcathail, Sorcha Ní Chonghaile agus Callum Ó Murchú (all Coláiste de hÍde, Tamhlacht) with Conchubhair Mac Ghloinn, Coláiste de hÍde, Gean Giger, ETBI, ambasadóir Spraoi’23 Aindriú de Paor, RTÉ 2FM, agus Jacqueline Ní Fhearghusa, COGG. Photo: Marc O'Sullivan

Schools in Mayo invited to enter new Irish language competition

Post-primary schools in Mayo are being invited to join a new Irish language initiative – Spraoi’23 – which is aimed at cultivating a love of the Irish language by engaging students in activities through the medium of Irish.

The initiative is being run by Education and Training Boards Ireland in conjunction with An Chomhairle um Oideachas Gaeltachta agus Gaelscolaíochta (COGG).

Spraoi’23 invites schools to partake in a range of different competition categories, from blogging and rapping to art design and the creation of new seanfhocal.

The programme is open to all students in post-primary schools across the country, not just those under ETB patronage. It welcomes engagement from both students in Irish-medium and English-medium schools, with each category carrying prizes for both Irish-medium and English-medium entries.

Speaking at the launch, ETBI general secretary Paddy Lavelle commented: “At Education and Training Boards Ireland, we recognise the importance of the Irish language and the relationship our students have with it. Through this inclusive approach of offering opportunity to all learners to participate, not just within the ETB sector, we feel that it will be a positive step forward in promoting a love of An Ghaeilge.

“Spraoi’23 will complement the excellent teaching that goes on in our ETB schools and indeed all schools across the country. Students will be enthused by the vast range of creative and fun competitions afforded to them and should hugely benefit from them.”

Gean Gilger, educational policy and development officer with Education and Training Boards Ireland and coordinator of the ETBI Spraoi’23 programme, has designed an initiative that aims to inspire the creativity and participation of students.

He said: “We wanted to include competitions that were fun for all, with the potential for solo or group participation and mindful of all learners’ level and ability. While there are opportunities for rapping, creation of new seanfhocal and celebration of the traditional arts through Agallamh Beirte and Lúibíní competition, we are particularly excited about Cumarsáid le Cairde which will see our Irish-medium schools connect with another school and engage in a number of activities under the supervision of their teachers.”

Spraoi’23 is funded by An Chomhairle um Oideachas Gaeltachta agus Gaelscolaíochta. Also speaking at the launch, COGG chief executive Jacqueline Ní Fhearghusa commented: “An Chomhairle um Oideachas Gaeltachta agus Gaelscolaíochta (COGG) greatly welcomes the upcoming Spraoi’23 programme of events. COGG are delighted to provide funding to ETBI to support the programme’s wide range of fun-generating and diverse competitions.

“Students will have fantastic opportunities to interact in Irish through fun activities in addition to showcasing their creative, innovative and digital skills through blogs, videos, music, art, photography and lúibíní. We wish Spraoi’ 23 and the students’ efforts every success.”

To support and encourage students to engage, former ETB student Aindriú de Paor, broadcaster and presenter with RTÉ 2FM, is proud to take on the role of ambasadóir Spraoi’23. Speaking at the launch, Mr. de Paor commented: “I attended Gaelcholáiste Chéitinn in Clonmel, a Tipperary ETB school, and I have been very fortunate since that my journey with the Irish language has opened so many doors for me throughout my career. I am honoured to be ambassador for this brilliant initiative and I look forward to engaging with students over the coming months.”

Spraoi’23 will run through to the end of April, with a celebratory prize-giving ceremony in May. All information can be found at