Better trains services needed between Mayo and capital - TD

More Irish Rail services between Mayo and Dublin are required to boost the local economy and tourism, a TD has said.

Deputy Michael Ring said more frequent trains from the capital, with increased capacity would be of immense benefit to tourism and business along the Western seaboard.

Deputy Ring said: “I recently met with Chief Executive of Iarnród Éireann, Jim Meade, and asked him to consider increasing rail services in Mayo, particularly those serving Dublin to Westport.

"It’s quite simple, we need a higher number of trains to take more passengers on the timetable.

“I look forward to the publication of the All-Island Rail Review which Minister for Transport, Eamon Ryan, expects to support the Western Rail Corridor. Rail, as well as improved national roads, will play a crucial role in underpinning economic development in the West.

“Overarchingly, any improvement in our public transport to Westport will boost our local economy and encourage a higher level of tourism, particularly ahead of summer 2023.

“We need to be particularly attentive of our transport services when we are marketing Mayo. It’s unarguably a key element in accelerating development in Westport.

“Furthermore, limited rail services often mean our trains are more packed which can provoke incidents of anti-social behaviour.

"Such incidents of assault or intimidation are completely unacceptable and can never become the norm on our rail services.

“Irish Rail must ensure there is sufficient personnel onboard trains to prevent such incidents and work take hard action on those who engage in any anti-social behaviour,” stated Deputy Ring.