Boulder blocks erected closing off the section of greenway between Murrisk and Glaspatrick.

Councillor wants Mayo businesses not to pay rates in greenway protest

An elected member of Mayo County Council has expressed a controversial view that every business owner in West Mayo should to refuse to pay their 2023 rates.

Councillor Peter Flynn made the statement on his Facebook page after claiming the Clew Bay Greenway project "has hit rock bottom."

He elaborated: "We plunged to new depths after the greenway funding announcement this week.

"Following the announcement by TII last Thursday I sought clarification on a number of points and had the following confirmed:

"Zero funding for the section from Murrisk to Louisburgh/Roonagh.

"Zero funding for capital works to take the greenway safely through Newport Town although the route options have been published. There is €50,000 for another report!

"The €500,000 announced in 2021 to realign the road from Belclare to Murrisk and create a segregated greenway is now lost.

"The €300,000 which was announced on Thursday for this section is to pay for consultants to determine new route options for this section only!

"In summary this announcement has set the Clew Bay Greenway back at least another two years if we simply accept this plan by TII and the executive of Mayo County Council.

"To add insult to injury this was followed up this week by the council placing large boulder blocks closing off the section of Greenway between Murrisk and Glaspatrick so you now have to cycle to Westport on the road parallel to the greenway.

"It should also be noted that there was no council funded capital project for this area in 2021, 2022 and now nothing for 2023."

Under the heading, 'What can you do?', he made the following points.

"I believe it is time for every business owner in West Mayo (Louisburgh, Westport, Newport etc) to refuse to pay their 2023 rates.

"As councillors I believe the only tool available to us is to suspend all parking charges in west Mayo until we see an action plan on capital investment for the West Mayo area.

"I am asking you all to write to senior Mayo County Council officials demanding answers and more importantly investment in west Mayo. These are the people who hold the levers of power.

"I am urging you all to contact our local TDs demanding that they radically reform local government.

"Democracy is broken and as local councillors we are working with both hands tied behind our backs but that should not stop us demanding change.

"I am asking all of you to also be part of the change so badly needed for west Mayo."