When there was a water pump on every street in Castlebar

by Auld Stock

LONG before a proper water supply system was established in Castlebar householders depended on local pumps, sometimes called fountains, for their water supply.

There were pumps on every street in Castlebar.

There was a lot of drudgery involved in carrying buckets of water from the public pumps to where people lived.

A pump close to Catherine Bourke’s Corner, Linenhall Street, was a popular meeting place for local residents. It was known as ‘Mickey’s Pump’.

I remember the time when Paud Moore, Thomas Street, displayed a large selection of wooden articles each Saturday at Catherine Bourke’s Corner. Paud was a wonderful craftsmen when it came to woodwork.

Joe Chambers was a member of Castlebar town band in those times, a brilliant trumpeter who each New Year’s Eve played his instrument at Catherine Bourke’s Corner.

Thomas Halligan, Lucan Street, also a member of the town band, came along with his drums.

I’ll go back to Carrs’ well, which was located at the rear of Basquills’ public house in Castle Street. The pub was known as the Black Horse.

Apparently the Carrs were a well-known Castlebar family in the 1800s but little is known of the family nowadays. With the passing of the years many things change.

That is the way of the world and there is nothing we can do about it.

Every day you get up is a good day.