Photo by Bridie Kearns, one of the images featuring in the Magic Moments exhibition by Claremorris Camera Club.

Mayo camera club presenting Magic Moments exhibition

CLAREMORRIS Camera Club is opening an exhibition of photographs by its members in Claremorris Town Hall this month.

Titled Magic Moments, the exhibition consists of photographs of a diverse range of subjects, reflecting the varied interests of the photographers. It will be launched by acclaimed photographer Eamonn McCarthy on Tuesday, March 14, at 8 p.m. in Claremorris Town Hall Theatre.

Claremorris Camera Club was started in 2016 by a group of people with a common interest in photography. The club provided an opportunity to meet others who shared an interest in photography and who wished to develop their skills.

The members vary in their competence from some being raw beginners to others who are quite experienced. The club provides members with an opportunity to meet socially, to discuss topics of interest and to view and discuss each other's work and to develop their skills.

The club meets on the first and the third Tuesday of each month in the studio of Claremorris Town Hall. At most meetings, photographs taken by members on a given theme or topic are displayed and discussed. Comments and suggestions from members are very welcome. By viewing the work of others, members get ideas that help them to progress their own skills in taking and in processing photographs. Guest speakers are invited to some meetings.

In recent years, the club has organised a number of courses for members. Courses conducted by Eamonn McCarthy and John Corless were particularly useful in providing instruction and inspiration in taking photographs and in editing and processing the resulting shots. The club goes on outings to places that offer interesting photographic opportunities.

After several years of taking photographs, the club members have an opportunity to display some of their work to the public. For this exhibition members have selected pictures that appealed to them. The task of printing and mounting the pictures was undertaken by John McDonnell, a past chairman of the club.

Eamonn McCarthy, a highly accomplished photographer, has kindly agreed to perform the launch of the Magic Moments exhibition.

The photographs will remain on display in the town hall from March 14 to April 2. Claremorris Camera Club members will be most interested in the response of viewers to their images.