Online abuse ‘getting out of hand’ - Mayo councillors voice concerns

ONLINE abuse of public representatives and frontline workers such as the gardaí has been deplored.

Even in their roles as Tidy Towns volunteers some councillors have drawn online ire.

Growing concern about the increasing number of attacks on the democratic system in Ireland was voiced by Councillor Al McDonnell at a Castlebar Municipal District meeting.

This included public representatives, some of whom will no longer attend public meetings, and also An Garda Síochána. Any attack on public reps or the security forces was an attack on the security of the State, he said.

Legislation was needed to prevent what is happening and deal with perpetrators.

He had read where some estates in Dublin are no-go areas and are now being controlled by gangs.

A lot of it is being motivated by keyboard warriors, said Councillor Cyril Burke.

He knew where a Ukrainian family had arrived in Ireland with just the clothes on their backs, and an appeal was put up online for a buggy. It subsequently had to be taken down due to the amount of abuse received.

Councillor Ger Deere commented on the amount of personal abuse and protest experienced when he worked for the former Taoiseach.

It was even worse since, and a lot of abuse has been received personally over the last few weeks through the Tidy Towns.

A huge amount of refugees were helping out with projects and he and other members had received abuse that they were 'not looking after our own'.

“It's getting really out of hand.”

Councillor Blackie Gavin said public representatives, doctors, nurses, gardaí and emergency services people have to be protected.

He also commented on the fantastic contribution the Ukrainian people and others were making to the county town with the Castlebar Community Clean-up group.