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Mayo councillor concerned as some planning powers at local level are removed

THE making of planning decisions for developments of over five units has been moved from municipal district (MD) to central council planning level.

The decision goes against the ethos of what the MDs were set up for and the power given to them, according to one Mayo public representative.

Councillor Richard Finn highlighted the issue at a Claremorris-Swinford MD meeting and said they had been stripped of some of their authority and input in relation to planning in the MDs.

Previously they had a say over developments up to 25 units but that has now been cut back to five, 'so management of our area have been robbed of a decision-making process'.

When Phil Hogan set up the MDs, which he considered to be working well, he meant to give power back to them, not take it away.

This was totally against the ethos of what they were set up for and the power given to them.

Councillor Damien Ryan said powers were devolved to the districts and they have worked effectively and efficiently. Attempts to diminish that would be met with resistance.

The matter would be raised at their next central meeting.

The decision, he added, flies in the face of better local government.

District head Padraig Flanagan explained that it used to be that the MD had power up to 25 units. That was reduced to five last year. The director of planning now make decisions on all developments over five units.

Local input on the technical stages of those applications has not changed, he added. It's just the final decision, but with the same input from the MD.

Councillor Finn said someone was responsible for taking that power off the municipal area and he wanted to know who and why was it done.

This was not the way the legislation had been framed, he added.