Mayo people can walk the famous Camino for bereavement charity Anam Cara

Anam Cara, a national organisation supporting bereaved parents, hold 14 face-to-face meetings across the country each and every month.

Every parent present at the meetings have many things in common, however the most significant being, the loss of a child. Taking that first step to attend a meeting, in many cases, can be the toughest.

But every bereaved parent who attends, has made that first step. There is no time limit on how long a bereaved parent can attend – their child may have died a month ago, a year ago or several years ago, all are welcome.

There will be a big Spanish welcome this May when supporters of Anam Cara take on a section of the Camino de Santiago. On May 21, the group will depart Dublin for warmer climates and walk the spectacular Sarria to Santiago leg of this world famous route.

Grants & Fundraising Manager of Anam Cara, Jamie Conway. said: “I am thrilled to be travelling with the group to take part in this once in a lifetime experience. The journey will take us across woodlands, farmlands and rustic hamlets, whilst following tracks and paths lined by granite stones walls”.

He advised that there are still have a couple of places left for this seven-day trip. If you are interested on raising much needed funds and joining the group, please contact Jamie on (01) 4045378.

On Tuesday, March 28, Anam Cara will hold their Mayo meeting in the TF Royal Hotel, Castlebar at 7:15 p.m. All bereaved parents are welcome,regardless of the age of the child or circumstances of death.

For further information, Anam Cara can be contacted on (085) 2888888 or by email