The condition of the dunes at Bertra Beach.

Restored dunes at Mayo's Bertra beach will benefit people and nature

A COMMUNITY-led roadmap is being developed to restore the dunes at Bertra beach and protect the inner Clew Bay area.

The vision is to have a healthy beach dune habitat restored by 2050, which accommodates visitor use and nature, while allowing the dunes to function naturally.

A presentation on the communty stewardship vision was given to local councillors by Dr. Kevin Lynch of the University of Galway at a Westport-Belmullet Municipal District meeting.

Dr. Lynch explained issues at Bertra - dune erosion, loss of biodiversity, loose dogs affecting local farming activities, increased traffic, risk of flooding, for example in Murrisk, sediment filling the channels and covering the aquaculture, increased storm activity, and rising sea levels.

Solutions include awareness campaigns on issues that impact the dunes, using sand trap fending which traps sand, sees vegetation regrow, and makes the site more suitable to act as a coastal protection, as well as a monitor to count people use.

What they have at the moment is a vision, not a plan, he explained. It is hoped by 2030 to have most of the actions in place so there is a system which benefits the community and environment.

The meeting was told the coastal community action fund is opening in April and there are potential projects that can be pushed forward using that.

The learnings can also be applied to other dune sites in the county, such as Keel, Doogort and in Erris.

Councillor Christy Hyland said he can't understand why in the past government departments didn't step up.

Councillor Gerry Coyle said dunes in Claggan in north Mayo had been recovered, having been washed away, and lessons could be learned from the restoration work there.

Councillor Brendan Mulroy said if the dunes were not there, the idea of Murrisk flooding was a worry.

The whole inner bay is at threat, said Councillor Peter Flynn. He highlighted Murrisk graveyard as being at significant risk of flooding.

He said he had been at two locations where there are challenges with dunes over the past year. Both now have marked paths where people are directed along. Something similar could be implemented with no major investment.

Hopefully steps could be taken to bring dunes back to what they were all across the region, he said.