Case made for Active Travel funding in rural parts of Mayo

RURAL towns and villages cannot be excluded from Active Travel projects.

Councillor Patsy O'Brien has asked for more support for Active Travel in rural areas, and he pinpointed three projects in south Mayo - Hollymount village to Ballindine Cross, Hollymount village to Roundfort upgrade, and an extension of the walkways in The Neale village.

Over the last number of years there has been a substantial investment in towns but the rural villages don't seem to be getting their fair share, Councillor O'Brien told a Claremorris-Swinford Municipal District meeting.

He pointed to dangers on the routes he had identified for projects.

He was told in a reply to a motion that all Active Travel funding for Mayo has been allocated for 2023. The proposals above are not included in the 2023 allocations.

The National Transport Authority have indicated that they will only fund projects outlined in Active Travel Plans or Local Transport Plans.

Councillor Michael Burke made the point that smaller villages don't have public lighting or footpaths and walking on the public road is dangerous.

Members were told there didn't appear to be an avenue open to parachute in worthy schemes unless they were coming through the plans outlined above.

Active Travel, noted Councillor O'Brien, is based on urban thinking and he asked that a letter would go to the National Transport Authority that rural areas also be considered.

Councillor Damien Ryan said the priorities should be listed in consultation with the elected representatives.

He proposed the Active Travel team be invited to meet them in relation to what their priorities are as councillors.