Maeve Binchy's Deeply Regretted By on stage in Mayo

SAINT Patrick's Drama Group, Westport, present Deeply Regretted By, a play by Maeve Binchy, at Westport Town Hall Theatre this week, from April 12 to 15.

Binchy's classic play is a moving and powerful account affecting Stella Healy in London, who discovers on the death of her husband, an Irish emigrant from County Mayo, that their married life was a lie.

Written in 1979 when many Irish men were forced to seek work in England, it is set in Kilburn.

Saint Patrick's Drama Group bring you a well crafted play by Maeve Binchy, a master storyteller.

The cast consists of new and seasoned players: Tia Crowley takes the lead role as Stella, with Fred Cleary as Father Barry. Other members of the cast are Tina Burns, Seamus Beirne, Mairead Ryan, Fiona Burns and Meg Noone.

The play is directed by Mary Carr and produced by Regina McCormack.

For bookings, see the Westport Town Hall Theatre website: