Double grants for restoring vacant homes - Mayo councillor's request to minister

THE grants available for doing up vacant and derelict properties under the Croí Conaithe scheme should be doubled.

The Minister for Housing is to be petitioned to increase the maximum grants from €30,000 for a vacant property to €60,000 and for a vacant property confirmed as derelict grant to be doubled to €100,000.

Councillor Neil Cruise, speaking on a motion he brought before a meeting of Mayo County Council, said there has been unprecedented increases in the price of construction materials, which have not yet stabilised, and he wanted to see the scheme extended to bring back properties for long-term occupancy.

Councillor Cruise said Croí Conaithe is one of the fastest measures that will contribute to solving the housing crisis. There are thousands of these properties in Mayo, which could be done up and rented out.

It was agreed to circulate the motion to other local authorities.

Councillor Michael Loftus also made the point that people doing up these houses should get a reduction in VAT.