Number of people sleeping rough in Dublin decreases by 9%

Michael Bolton

The number of people who are currently sleeping rough in Dublin is 83, a 9 per cent decrease compared to winter 2022.

The count was arranged by the Dublin Region Homeless Executive (DRHE) and carried out by the Dublin Simon Community Outreach Team, with support from the Peter McVerry Trust Housing First Intake Team.

The majority were male and 48 per cent of those identified were using tents, 92 per cent were linked with one of the four Dublin local authorities.

Some 18 individuals were found rough sleeping in both the Spring 2023 and Winter 2022 counts. A number of these are being targeted for a Housing First response, which will provide them with permanent housing and visiting supports to help them sustain their home.

Pat Doyle, chief executive of Peter McVerry Trust, said: “It’s positive to see any decrease in the number of people sleeping rough on our streets.

"Although the decline is in the context of the growing number of people entering homelessness nationally, it is a success to see the most vulnerable in our society – entrenched rough sleepers – moving on into their own home.

"We provide almost 1000 emergency beds nightly across the four Dublin local authority areas – working closely with the DRHE to ensure that those who need a bed can access one. But the key to reducing the number of people sleeping rough is Housing First.

"Our Housing First Intake team provide consistent and effective engagement with rough sleepers across the city – enabling them to move into their own property and out of homelessness for good.”