Appointment of new Mayo County Registrar queried in Dáil

THE Minister for Justice, Simon Harris, has been questioned in the Dáil to ascertain when a decision will made regarding the appointment of a new County Registrar for Mayo.

A competition run through the Public Appointments Service to fill the vacancy is complete, with clearance procedures ongoing, he told Deputy Michael Ring, who raised the matter.

In response, Minister Harris set out: “Under the provisions of the Courts Service Act 1998, management of the courts is the responsibility of the Courts Service, which is independent in exercising its functions.

“The Courts Service Act 1998 sets out the nature of the relationship between the Courts Service and the County Registrar. The post of County Registrar is a statutory officer appointed by the government, with a number of different roles, including under-sheriff and returning officer functions.

“When such posts become vacant, arrangements are made with the Courts Service and the Public Appointments Service to run an open recruitment competition to identify suitable persons for recommendation to government for appointment.

“Having enquired into the matter, I can confirm that a competition has been run through the Public Appointments Service to fill the vacancy referred to by the deputy. This competition is now complete and the usual clearance procedures are ongoing.”

Deputy Ring called for the appointment to be made as quickly as possible as it is urgently required.

“Quite a length of time has passed since the former County Registrar retired and it is important that this position would be filled,” he commented.