Councillor Michael Burke, the leader of the Fine Gael group on Mayo County Council.

Fine Gael requests cancellation of Mayo meeting on migrant accommodation

The Fine Gael group on Mayo County Council has requested that the cathaoirleach of the Mayo County Council cancels the proposed special meeting due to take place on Friday next.

The request has been submitted to Councillor Seamus Weir by the leader of the 11-strong group, Councillor Michael Burke.

The submission by Councillor Burke outlined: "This meeting was not requested by the Fine Gael group on the council and the majority of councillors within the group do not want this meeting to take place.

"As a group we acknowledge the opinions of our council colleagues.

"However as a democratic grouping within the council, the position of the majority of our members is the position of the Fine Gael party on Mayo County Council."

It is The Connaught Telegraph's understanding that up to eight members of the party are opposed to attending the meeting.

However, it is expected that at least three members, including party whip, Councillor Peter Flynn, will be attending, if it proceeds, while one member is undecided at this point.

While the 10-strong Fianna Fáil group has not to date made a similar application, the majority of its members are also opposed to attending.

There are also divisions within the independent ranks over the matter while Sinn Féin Councillor Gerry Murray has stated he will not give the meeting any credence by attending.