Concern as Mayo farming lands being zoned 'against people's will'
A Mayo Oireachtas member has raised concerns that farming lands across the county are being zoned against the property owners' will.
Senator Paddy Burke has received several representations from councillors regarding people from around the county whose lands have been zoned - with many complaints being raised in the south Mayo area.
He stated: "The only avenue open to those people now is to appeal to An Bord Pleanála.
"An exemption from the tax liability on the basis of farming activity being carried out on residentially zoned lands is not a provision in the Finance Act 2021 but the purpose of the draft residential zoned land tax, RZLT, map.
"People have to appeal to An Bord Pleanála in this regard. Many people do not want their land zoned.
"They want to farm and they have been farming the land for years and they do not want to develop it.
"This is impacting on family farms and families who would like the issue addressed.
"Action needs to be taken," he added.