Flashback to the construction works on the new N5 in the Islandeady area.

Roads off new N5 in Mayo that need repair are being looked at

THE condition of some of the local roads used to service construction of the new N5 in Mayo has again been raised at council level.

Work is taking place to identify roads that require work, funded through monies set aside as part of the dual carriageway project, councillors in the Westport-Bemullet Municipal District were told.

MD cathaoirleach Councillor Christy Hyland said some of the small country roads were in a state of disrepair having carried heavy machinery and lorries with rock during the construction works.

They were in ‘dire’ condition and he hoped that they would be repaired.

Municipal head Padraig Walsh said funding had been set aside for wear and tear and damage on the haulage roads.

The regional roads design office is working with the contractor to identify roads and ensure the money is applied to where it is needed, he said.