New speed ramp in Parke.

Speed ramps improve safety at Mayo school

SPEED ramps have been installed to improved safety at Parke National School.

Welcoming the ramps, Councillor Ger Deere said speeding in the vicinity of the school had become a serious issue. The principal and board of management had expressed concerns that unless some traffic calming measures were put in place an accident was waiting to happen.

“I'm glad to report that over the Easter holidays two speed ramps were installed on the approach to the school,” he said.

“These ramps will add to safety in the area following the provision last year of a new footpath from the GAA pitch to the school, and hopefully that will be extended to the community centre in the near future.

“A big thanks to senior engineer Pat McHale and staff in Castlebar MD for their work on this issue, to the residents who facilitated these works, and to school principal Regina Corrigan and board of management for highlighting and campaigning for these ramps.”