Lough Lannagh: Naples of the West

by Auld Stock

IN 1835 a visitor to Castlebar had some nice things to say about the capital of County Mayo.

Whilst there was much evidence of poverty in the town, Foy's Hotel, Ellison Street, was an impressive building.

There were a big number of inns in the town and the quality of drink in those premises was very good.

The visitor, an Englishman, was very impressed by Church Lake, Lough Lannagh, as it is known nowadays. The lake had an abundance of salmon, gillaroo and brown trout.

Regattas were regularly held on the lake and Lord Lucan presented an impressive silver cup for the winners of a race between the tenants of local landlords.

The writer concluded his article by emphasising Lough Lannagh had great potential. A prophetic forecast indeed.

It took a long time to see this potential realised.

However, Lough Lannagh and the surrounding areas have been massively improved in recent years.

More developments are in the pipeline.

It is many years since I described Lough Lannagh as ‘the Naples of the West’.

That dream is at last becoming a reality.

Full steam ahead!

*Gillaroo is a species of trout whose favourite diet is snails.