‘Resonance’ was created Tom Meskell and Mayo Art Squad. Using the subject of the human figure all the participants made a figure based on themselves, the underlying motivation behind to create a visual dialogue about grief and the resources that are there to help us through a process that we all encounter in our lives. A collection of over 10 figures were displayed at the foot of Croagh Patrick at sunset on Mayo Day where loved ones that have passed in the last year were remembered. Pictured are James Fleming, Catherine Murphy, Orla Gallagher, Derek McLoughlin, Motad, Mick Smyth, Catherine Gannon, Angela Lenihan and Tom Meskell. PHOTO: ALISON LAREDO

Unveiling of fascinating Mayo art exhibition ‘Resonance'

by Tommy Meskell

We had a magical evening at the foot of Croagh Patrick.

‘Resonance’, which has come out of a series of workshops with the Mayo County Council Arts Squad, has been funded by Irish Hospice Foundation’s Seed Grant programme and generously supported by Creative Ireland.

Using the subject of the human figure, all the participants made a figure based on themselves. The underlying motivation behind this is to create a visual dialogue about grief and the resources that are there to help us through a process that we all encounter in our lives.

We have a collection of over 10 figures which were displayed at the foot of Croagh Patrick at sunset on Mayo Day. We had an informal gathering of all the makers and we remembered loved ones that have passed in the last year.

I extend thanks to all the makers of the figures from the Mayo Art Squad. We had a great time doing this which was deepened by the context we were working in.

Thanks to Mick Smyth at the Art Squad for all his encouragement and support, Anneli Watson for all her dedication and work in sourcing the funding, Elizebeth Hutcheson and Dominic Campbell from the Irish Hospice Foundation who were a constant support, and Murrisk Community Development Association for all the work they do at Croagh Patrick so we can all enjoy its beauty.

(Tom Meskell is the curator of the exhibition ‘Resonance).