Fibre broadband roll-out expands in west Mayo area

NATIONAL Broadband Ireland (NBI) has announced that construction has commenced to deliver high-speed broadband to over 2,000 premises in the Lisacarney deployment area in County Mayo.

Having successfully completed the survey and design phase of the project, 2,068 premises in the Lisacarney deployment area are now under construction to have high-speed fibre. When these works are completed, homes, businesses and farms in the areas will be ready to connect and order broadband from the NBI network.

Works have already been completed in other parts of Mayo and there are 5,610 premises that are available to order or pre-order high-speed, reliable broadband across the county, with 1,234 connections already made to the network.

National Broadband Ireland has called on people to visit and enter their Eircode to see if they are ready to connect.

Peter Hendrick, chief executive officer, National Broadband Ireland, said: “Our teams are working tirelessly on the roll-out plan and considerable progress has been made on the developments in Mayo.

“The project is now at scale and we are confident that we can continue to accelerate the roll-out and move even more premises through construction and into the order phase.

“We are currently partnering with retail service providers, and other stakeholders, to connect homes in Mayo. Minimum speeds of 500Mbps will be available.”

National Broadband Ireland’s website is regularly updated to show estimated connection dates. Signing up to the NBI email notifications at is the easiest way to get the most up to date status of premises during the rollout and when premises will be ready for order.