The Family Centre in Castlebar has received €25,000.

Funding to aid children's counselling services in Mayo

Funding of €50,000 has been allocated for children’s counselling services at two community and voluntary organisations in Mayo.

A total of €25,000 each is going to The Family Centre, Chapel Street, Castlebar, and Knock Counselling Centre, located at Our Lady’s Shrine, Knock.

The funding has been provided from the Dormant Accounts to help increase counselling, psychotherapy and therapeutic services to children and young people experiencing social and economic disadvantage in communities around Ireland.

It will help to address unmet need and reduce waiting lists for community-based counselling services.

The news has been welcomed by Deputy Alan Dillon and Deputy Michael Ring.

Deputy Dillon said he was delighted that two centres in Mayo were successful in applications under the Dormant Accounts funding to Tusla to build on their existing work in supporting children, young people and their families, particularly in aftermath of the Covid pandemic where community-based services are reporting a large increase in families seeking support for children and young people.

“This measure will help to address improved accessibility and availability of counselling, psychotherapy, therapy services to disadvantaged children and young people in Mayo,” he added.