Deputy Rose Conway-Walsh

Rent prices soar by 21% in Mayo as housing crisis worsens – TD

A Mayo TD has accused the government of ‘failing renters’ as rents have soared in Mayo by a massive 21% in the last 12 months.

The figures are contained in the latest rent report, which shows new rents increasing by almost 12% in the last year across the state.

Deputy Rose Conway-Walsh said: "The latest rent report shows rents continuing to soar in Mayo.

"They have shot up by 21% in the last 12 months yet the government defend their housing policy.

"The average new rent in Mayo is now a staggering €1,100 per month. This is totally unaffordable for people on ordinary incomes.

“It is clear that the housing crisis continues to be totally out of control and ordinary people are paying the price for this government’s failures.

“The housing crisis is devastating people’s lives in Mayo.

"Generations are locked out of home ownership, trapped paying crippling rents and feeling they have no hope of ever owning their own home.

"This means lives put on hold, as people struggle to keep afloat and keep up with sky high rents.

"Despite the falling private rental stock and rising private rents, government's cost rental delivery is appallingly low.

"Just 684 cost rental homes were delivered last year across the state. This is a drop in the ocean of what is needed to make a real difference.

"Government must accept that its cost rental targets are too low. They must also accept that the price of these cost rental units is too high.

"They must dramatically increase and accelerate the delivery of these much needed cost rental homes and ensure that they are genuinely affordable to working people in Mayo.

“The government must get to grips with the housing crisis in Mayo, to urgently cut the cost of soaring rents. "