Two people rescued after vessel ran adrift off Mayo island

Achill Island RNLI responded to a request earlier today to assist two people drifting on their seven-metre vessel off Keel Island after experiencing engine failure.

The request came from the Irish Coast Guard, who also requested the support of Irish Coast Guard helicopter, Rescue 118, as well as Achill Island Coast Guard.

The volunteer lifeboat crew launched shortly after 2 p.m. with Dave Curtis, Coxswain, and a crew of five onboard the all-weather lifeboat, ‘Sam and Ada Moody’.

Weather conditions were a little overcast at the time with light winds and 1.5m to 2m swells.

While underway, the lifeboat was stood down when a local fishing vessel came to the aid of the two people and towed their boat back to the safety of Purteen Harbour.

Happy that everyone was safe and well and that no further assistance was required, the lifeboat then returned back to the lifeboat station at Kildownet at approximately 3.30 p.m.

Speaking after the call out, Ciaran Needham, Achill Island RNLI volunteer Lifeboat Operations Manager, said: “Even the most experienced boat users can encounter difficulties when out on the water, despite carrying out all the necessary checks prior to launching.

"The right decision was made on this occasion to call for help, and our crew will always be happy to launch and assist whenever requested to do so,” he added.