The former Imperial Hotel in Castlebar.

Expressions of interest to develop historic Mayo property as a hotel to be sought

MAYO County Council is to seek expressions of interest on the sale of the former Imperial Hotel in Castlebar as a boutique hotel while still advancing the property through the current town regeneration project process.

A notice of motion to see if there is interest in developing the historic property as a hotel was passed by five votes to seven at the monthly Castlebar Municipal District meeting yesterday.

Councillor Cyril Burke, who tabled the motion, suggested a short timeframe of six to eight weeks to see if someone with an interest in a hotel development wanted to come forward.

A lot of people locally were disappointed when a previous approach to buy the Imperial for a hotel fell through, he said.

However, Councillor Michael Kilcoyne made the point that some, who felt it should not be sold off, were happy that the sale had fallen through.

In his view, funding is available under a regeneration project for the building and they needed to get on with it and get it done, otherwise it could change.

Councillor Ger Deere said the majority of the public thought it would be good to bring it back into use as a hotel, and he again suggested that the motor tax office needs to be part of the package.

The building is of huge historical interest to the people of Castlebar and Mayo, said Councillor Blackie Gavin, and it's past time that a plan was put in place and the council got on with the job.

He would not support the motion and would not support the sale of any more council-owned property.

They had sold the EPA building for €1.5 million and then the old library, and was any of that money invested in the town, he asked.

“Hands off any of our property,” was Councillor Gavin's message.

The point was made by Councillor Al McDonnell that nothing can be sold without their permission. Whether developed by the private or public sector, the history of the building where the Land League was founded would be preserved.

Seeking expressions of interest didn't compel them to do anything.

Councillor Martin McLoughlin said he would support a hotel development, saying the town needs it.

Positive feedback on the initial hotel plan has come back to Councillor Donna Sheridan and she proposed they vote on the motion, including the tax office.

Director of services John Condon said the council has met with the department in the past week to work out how to progress the urban regeneration projects, for which money was allocated in 2021, similar to other local authorities.

They had been approached by a hotel operator. Negotiations took place but agreement wasn't reached.

The council would continue to push the regeneration project in parallel to the motion, if it was passed.

The motion was subsequently passed by five votes to two. In favour were Councillors Al McDonnell, Martin McLoughlin, Ger Deere, Donna Sheridan and Cyril Burke. Against were Councilors Michael Kilcoyne and Blackie Gavin.