Deputy Michael Ring.

Emergency works for north Mayo school proceed to tender

EMERGENCY works for Doohoma National School, Ballina, have proceeded to tender, Deputy Michael Ring has confirmed.

The school was approved emergency works to its heating system and emergency works on the roof and front hall.

This work has now proceeded to tender, and Deputy Ring explained: “I understand that tenders have to be submitted by June 8, 2023.”

Said Deputy Ring: “I am pleased to note that this approval has progressed another step.

“The heating works and the works on the roof in the school are urgently needed and I am glad to note that this matter is progressing. These works will result in the replacement of the heating system throughout the school and very necessary works to the roof.

“I am hopeful that following the close date for submissions that a contractor will be appointed without delay and that works will commence very shortly thereafter.

“These are vital works and I look forward to them being completed.”