EU report highlights ongoing lack of government investment in Mayo

A Mayo TD has called for government action following the publication of data from the EU Regional Competitiveness Index which lays bare the severity of the infrastructure deficit in the western region.

Deputy Rose Conway-Walsh elaborated: “The region’s competitiveness is being undermined by the failure of successive governments to invest in the west and north-west.

"Out of the 234 designated regions across the whole EU, this region ranks 218th for infrastructure.

“That places Mayo and other counties in the region in the bottom 7% alongside some of the poorest regions in the EU.

"Decades of failure to invest in vital infrastructure to enable the potential of the western seaboard can no longer be tolerated.

“The crumbs from the table are not enough.

"They will not feed the ambition of those of us who truly understand the potential of the Atlantic Economic Corridor, the opportunity of renewal green energy or digital transformation.

“The Atlantic economic corridor is a vital development platform for sustainable growth, and central to that is having our economic and population centres properly connected.

"The redevelopment of the rail line will provide that reliable connectivity."