Mayo companies hit by 'imbalance' in finding skilled staff - TD

Business in Mayo are struggling to maximise their profitability because they cannot find the skilled staff they require, according to an Oireachtas member.

Deputy Rose Conway-Walsh said it would be helpful if it were able to recruit employees from an all-island pool of apprentices and other workers.

The Erris-based representative elaborated: "I am concerned about an imbalance in this regard.

"In the case of care homes, for example, there is a requirement that staff are registered with CORU.

"Where people have trained in Northern Ireland and obtained their academic qualifications there, that does not translate easily to the south, and vice versa. That is one factor.

"Another issue is access, such as in the case of a small business in Mayo that is dependent on tourism for growth.

"There may not be bus and rail links up that side of the country.

"Such factors are so important to small and medium enterprises and joined-up thinking is required in that regard," she added.