The turn off from Bohola on the N5 for the road that brings motorists to Ballylahan bridge and on to north Mayo. Image from Google Maps.

Motorists in Mayo unhappy with Ballylahan - Bohola road

HAULIERS and bus operators are unhappy with the condition on part of the road between Ballylahan bridge and Bohola.

The route is a favourite for them and local people travelling to Galway and on to the south.

While works have taken place at Ballylahan and Bohola, there is a part of the road in a different municipal district and there is a need to start pushing for works there, Councillor Neil Cruise told a roads committee meeting.

The surface is getting worse, he explained, and hauliers are annoyed over the condition of the road.

Councillor Seamus Weir said this is a strategic road and a plan is needed for it as it links in with the N17.