Mayo University Hospital.

Hospital rejects claim its adult mental health unit is facing prospect of deregistration

The executive clinical director and consultant psychiatrist of Mayo Mental Health Services has rejected claims that the adult mental health unit at Mayo University Hospital is in danger of being deregistered following a damning report by the Mental Health Commission.

In response to reports and editorial comment in The Connaught Telegraph as well as statements by former councillor Harry Barrett, Dr. Anne Cullen said the facility was registered by the commission on March 1, 2023, for a three-year period and no conditions were attached to the registration.

In a statement issued earlier this month, the commission expressed particular concerns over low staffing levels at the unit, most notably in respect of psychiatric nurses.

It revealed the number of registered nurses had fallen by 14 to 30 since 2011, creating a serious void at the high dependency unit which caters for 32 residents and involuntary residents.

The commission issued a critical alert in respect of this issue and in its subsequent annual report indicated that mental health units with compliance failure issues faced deregistration.

However, Dr. Cullen said editorial comment by The Connaught Telegraph stating that the facility at Mayo University Hospital is one of those facing the prospect of deregistration is ‘factually incorrect’.

She outlined: "The Mental Health Commission 2022 Inspection Report for the Adult Mental Health Unit at Mayo University Hospital did not state this.

"There was not and there is not a risk of the Adult Mental Health Unit being deregistered by the Mental Health Commission. To suggest this is the case is at best unhelpful, creates significant anxiety and stress in the community and, at worst, may serve to deter people from accessing Mayo Mental Health Service for care and treatment or seeking admission to the Adult Mental Health Unit.

"Following the Mental Health Commission 2022 inspection, the Adult Mental Health Unit at Mayo University Hospital received an 89% overall compliance rate, which is above the national average.

"Regrettably, there were areas of non-compliance with the Mental Health Commission regulations and one of these was in relation to staffing. However, the Mental Health Commission 2022 Inspection Report clearly documents that following the inspection, the registered proprietor has reviewed and amended the staffing levels and monitoring of staffing levels is ongoing.

"With regard to the maintenance of the building, there is an ongoing programme of maintenance and all concerns regarding maintenance highlighted in the inspector’s report are being addressed by Mayo Mental Health Service. This is also the case regarding the management of one patient’s general health, which was identified during the inspection.

"The public should be assured that all staff who assess and treat patients in Mayo Mental Health Service are qualified healthcare professionals who utilise a biopsychosocial model of assessment and intervention.

"Treatment for the majority of patients accessing the service takes place in the community, is delivered by multi-disciplinary teams, is evidence based and utilises a recovery focused model of care.

"Selective reporting of non-compliance with regulations, without acknowledging the high compliance rate, and factually incorrect statements that the registration of the facility is at risk can potentially serve to undermine the confidence of the general public in the service.

"Also, and of most concern, inaccurate and negative media reports may result in people with severe mental illness being deterred from accessing Mayo Mental Health Service with potentially serious and tragic consequences.

"Where there is non-compliance with Mental Health Commission regulations following an inspection, there is a system and process in place for all mental health services nationally whereby corrective and preventative actions are identified, actioned, communicated to and monitored by the Mental Health Commission. Mayo Mental Health Service, like all other mental health services nationally, engages in this system."