Step it out and support this year’s Castlebar walking festival
By Tom Gillespie
THE 56th annual Castlebar International Four-Day Walks kick off next week and locals are encouraged to participate in the event.
Festival director Rowena Gillespie is encouraging as many locals as possible to join in the road walks and scenic rambles.
Likewise, she has appealed to the business sector in the county town to put on window displays and erect flags and bunting to welcome the visitors.
She stated: “We are inviting all the people of Castlebar to become involved with the walking festival whether they join us in the walks, do window displays, or hang out flags and bunting, all in an effort to welcome the walking visitors to Castlebar.
“We have up on 200 visitors travelling from all parts of the world to participate in the festival. This, of course, is well down on the figures for earlier years, solely because of the grave lack of accommodation in the area.
“However, we have walkers travelling from Isreal, Switzerland, Australia, Sweden, USA, Germany, New Zealand and the Netherlands, many returning for many years.”
Rowena, who has been associated with the festival for 37 years, took over the mantle of festival director earlier this year from Elaine Devereaux who has been in the hot seat for up on 30 years.
Rowena, an employee of Penneys in Castlebar, has been planning to put her personal stamp on the walks, which take place from June 29 to July 2.
One of the innovations she has reintroduced is the Wednesday evening (June 28) opening ceremony.
She explained: “On Wednesday, June 28, we are reintroducing the opening ceremony parade which will commence at 6.30 p.m. from the walking festival headquarters at the Ivy Tower Hotel, through the main streets of the town, concluding on the Mall.
“It will involve the colourful display of the flags from all the participating nations, led by a colour party from the Reserve Defence Forces and the Castlebar Concert Band.
“It is up on 20 years since the last Wednesday evening opening ceremony was staged. We feel this is the opportune time to have it reintroduced and show off to the people of the town the effort the visitors have made to represent their nations here.”
She continued: “We are appealing to local businesses to play their part in welcoming the visitors by putting on suitable window displays and by decorating the streets with flags and bunting.”
Following the ceremony on the Mall the action returns to the Ivy Tower Hotel where the participants will receive a briefing on safety issues involving the various road walks and rambles, the timings, what is expected of the walkers and the necessary equipment - walking boots and sticks, rain gear, sun cream and refreshments.
The evening will conclude with a social event and the walkers will prepare themselves for the commencement of the walks on Thursday, June 29.
Registration for the walks, for those who have not already done so online on, opens at midday on Wednesday, June 28, in the Ivy Tower Hotel where those who have already registered can collect their start cards.
Rowena stressed: “It is vital that walkers preregister so that the necessary insurance and transportation is available to take them to the starting points and back to HQ in the evening.”
Rowena, who is a sergeant in the Reserve Defence Forces, 6th Battalion, and an Emergency Medical technician (EMT) with the Irish Red Cross, said: “I have been associated with the walks for over three decades. The unique ramble/cross-country walk is the jewel in our crown as no other international festival provides such an attraction - one which shows up the vast rugged beauty of the west of Ireland.”
Road walks 10k: four days €40; three days €30; two days €20 and one day €10.
Road walks 20k: four days €48; three days €36; two days €24 and one day €12.
Under 18: four days €20 or €5 per day for both walks.
Ramble: €18 per day - Thursday, Friday and Saturday. No ramble on Sunday.