An example of a chain link fence. Councillor Ger Deere wants to see hedgerows replaced in rural areas.

Call to make replacing of hedgerows council policy in Mayo

HEDGEROWS removed for road works should be replaced as a matter of council policy where appropriate.

There was broad support for a motion tabled by Councillor Ger Deere to have them replaced, though one elected member sounded a word of caution about young birds getting killed by vehicles when making their first flight.

Councillor Deere said kilometres of hedges are being removed where works take place on bends and corners, with chain link fencing being put in their place.

The council is promoting biodiversity but yet it has no official policy on this, he said.

He was asking there would be a policy - replace hedgerows where appropriate in rural areas.

Councillor Jarlath Munnelly said they should be set back so visibility is achieved, and the type of hedging planted was also important.

Supporting the general thrust of the motion, Councillor Al McDonnell had some reservation about roadside hedging, with songbirds that nest there getting killed on their maiden flights.