Double levies imposed on energy projects - Mayo councillor

DEVELOPMENT contribution levies on energy projects in Mayo should be doubled from €10,000 per megawatt to €20,000.

The increase was suggested by Councillor Michael Loftus who highlighted the 'vast profits' being generated by projects such as windfarms and hydrogen plants.

Significant contribution increases have also been suggested for the community funds operators pay into.

He made his comments during a discussion on a draft development contribution scheme, which is to be adopted by Mayo County Council, and where elected members were asked if there were amendments they'd like included in the scheme.

Forestry was another area where he felt insufficient monies were being taken from given the damage works cause to public roads. This was a point Councillor John O'Hara strongly agreed on, saying forestry operations are 'destroying the roads'.

Voicing his support, Councillor Gerry Coyle said there are lots of windmills and gas in Erris but yet their lights go out while energy is exported out.

Before any energy leaves, they had to make sure the local people were served first.

There was agreement on the point that community energy operators have to be treated differently to commercial operations.

As there is a statutory timeframe on the draft scheme, members agreed to hold a workshop to thrash out the issues and then hold a special meeting.

In a separate discussion on reports from An Bord Pleanála on two windfarm developments in north Mayo, councillors agreed that monies the projects pay into community gain funds needs to be increased so local residents benefit more.

Their views will be made known to the appeals board.