Mayo’s new County Registrar is welcomed to the Circuit Court

Dr. Ann Marie Courell, the new county registrar for Mayo and Roscommon, received a standing ovation after being welcomed today to Mayo Circuit Court.

She is the first female and first barrister to be appointed to the post.

Welcoming Dr. Courell, her fellow barrister, Diarmuid Connolly said she was an obvious choice to fill the role and an ideal successor to Fintan Murphy.

Gary Mulchrone, solicitor, said the appointment was long overdue.

He added that Dr. Courell is held in the highest regard and has carved out a reputation as a consummate and compassionate professional.

John O’Dwyer (O’Dwyer Solicitors, Ballyhaunis) predicted that compassion and fairness will be to the fore when Dr. Courell deals with sensitive matters such as the repossession of homes.

Joanne O’Grady of the Mayo Courts Service and Judy Quinlan, Mayo Probation Service, joined in the expressions of welcome.

Judge Eoin Garavan, who noted Dr. Courell’s style, her probity and cheerfulness, said he had no doubt the circuit court will be honourably served by her.

Alluding to the fact that one of her roles as County Registrar will be to oversee local and national elections, the judge told her: “We look forward to seeing you on the TV in years to come."

Responding, Dr. Courell, who was presented with flowers to mark the occasion, said she is already impressed by how skilled and hardworking the staff are in both offices (Mayo and Roscommon).

She concluded by promising to serve the people of Mayo and Roscommon to the very best of her ability.

Separate to today's court welcome to Dr. Courell, Pat O’Connor (P.O’Connor & Son) has commented: “Ann Marie will be a worthy and fine successor to all her predecessors, John Kelly, Bernard Daly, Patsy Murphy and Fintan Murphy."