Call for community consultation on sale of historic Mayo hotel

A CASTLEBAR election candidate wants to see community consultation taking place on the proposed sale of the historic Imperial Hotel property.

In a statement, Harry Barrett said: “I am asking that our councillors stop the gaslighting now and consult with the people of Castlebar before making any decisions regarding the future of the Imperial Hotel.

“The opinions of the community should be at the forefront of any choice that impacts our most important historical asset. People need to speak up for the town.”

Mr. Barrett made his call in the ongoing saga regarding the plan for the historic site, on the Mall.

Harry Barrett

He continued: “The people of the town have been hoodwinked over the Imperial Hotel. We all remember the great promises to provide €11 million to develop the Imperial as part of the historic quarter of Castlebar, but now this money seems to have disappeared into thin air and the council wants to put the property on the open market.

“When you look for answers all you get is a riddle wrapped in a mystery inside an enigma. Nobody seems to know what is going on.

“Where is the open dialogue, public meetings and engagement sessions that would allow us to collectively shape the hotel's transformation, ensuring that it truly reflects its amazing history and meets our communal needs.

“It seems the fate of the Imperial Hotel is in the hands of a few councillors and officials in Mayo County Council. This is totally unacceptable and undemocratic. The loss of our town council is sorely felt on this issue.

“If elected next year I will vote down any proposal to sell this hotel. I want the Imperial recognised as a building of national historic importance and a building held dear in the hearts of the Castlebar community and I want it developed by the Office of Public Works, primarily to remember the historic importance of the Land League but also as a public and civic space for the people of the town of Castlebar.”