Appeal to keep Knock Community Centre project on track

KNOCK Community Centre is in danger of closing permanently if refurbishment fundraising efforts fall short.

An appeal has gone out for whole of community support to meet a January deadline for its refurbishment.

The centre committee, on Knock Community Futures social media, has issued a statement on the project.

A recent fundraising gig at Kilkenny's Pub was a big success, raising €4,550.

Since flyers were distributed in March and April, a total of €15,350 has been raised from 51 households in the Knock area. However, there are over 800 households in Knock Parish, and with only 51 donating, 'unfortunately we are falling short in support from the wider community'.

They explained: 'Having gone through the tender process, it's looking like there will be a shortfall of over €150,000 on the funds required to finish the community centre to an acceptable standard.

'Our grant is €300,000 (+€29,404 matched funding) and we need to raise at least an additional €150,000.

'The very strict funding guidelines don’t allow for a phased approach, so we must do all works in one phase to have a usable community centre at the end. If we can’t raise this amount, sadly the project can’t proceed and Knock Community Centre will be permanently closed.'

The statement continued: 'There is now a great sense of urgency as the completion deadline of January 2024 is fast approaching.

'We are asking for either direct donations or payment in instalments so that we can apply for a bridging loan immediately. This will allow us to start the refurbishment works.

'It would be heart-breaking to fall at the last hurdle, having come this far, and with all the voluntary hours the committee have put in in making the application, appointing an engineer, getting planning permission and countless tender documents drawn up. We really need the support of the whole community to progress with the refurbishment plan and bring this project to fruition.

'Thank you sincerely to everyone who has donated so far.'

You can donate online via, make a one-off donation or set up a monthly donation for whatever amount you can afford. Standing order forms are also available from Knock Post Office.

Donations can also be handed in at Knock Post Office or contact treasurer Rachael Salmon, Cloonternane, Knock, on (087) 2323047.

You can donate online at