Councillor Donna Sheridan

Councillors want northern ring road removed from Castlebar area plan

THE principle of a northern orbital ring road in Castlebar should be removed from the draft Local Area Plan (LAP) for the town.

The route was first mooted 40 years ago and was the subject of a number of submissions to Mayo County Council.

Local councillors have met to consider the chief executive's report on submissions received on the draft plan, rejecting and accepting a number of his recommendations.

One they were clear on is that they want the northern ring road taken out of the plan.

In giving a summary of their views on all recommendations, Councillor Donna Sheridan was clear: “Rejected.”

Councillors also rejected an inner relief road.

On the northern route specifically, submissions were made by members of the public about lands being sterilised. In one case, on lands at Newantrim Street, it was placing an unacceptable burden, impacting housing needs of family members.

The point was made in another submission that the route would not be constructed within the lifetime of the plan.

Another landowner said since the publication of the town development plan back in 1980, their land had been seriously affected by the reservation of ground for the road, with little or no progress over the last 40 years.

The need for the road had now been superseded by the construction of the new N5 Westport to Turlough scheme and also the Castlebar inner relief road, which takes traffic from the N5 to the R311.

The recommendation to elected members was to retain the route as a long-term aspiration for a future transport corridor that may be required for active travel, public transport and access for potential long-term future development.

The route could unlock potential in future traffic management, it was submitted.

Senior planner John McMyler said the two routes had been included in the county development plan, which meant their local plan was now not in compliance.

The lands in question are largely agricultural and continue to be so.

Elected members were unanimous in their view: both roads rejected.

The draft will go back out on public display based on the councillors decisions on the submissions.