Councillor Blackie Gavin, leas cathaoirleach of Castlebar Municipal District, presents Gerry Quinn with a copy of the book History of Castlebar Municipal Government 1613-2014. From left: Michael Gill, Head of Department of Organisational Development, ATU, Gerry Quinn, president of the Mayo Society of Greater Cleveland, Councillor Gavin and Michael Larkin, link facilitator.

Fostering links between Cleveland and Mayo ATU

THE president of the Mayo Society of Greater Cleveland, Gerry Quinn, has visited the Mayo campus of the Atlantic Technological University (ATU).

The visit, coordinated by Michael Larkin, will help sow the seeds for future engagements and collaborations between some of Ohio's leading universities and the ATU.

Mr. Larkin outlined how the Mayo Society of Greater Cleveland, under the stewardship of Gerry Quinn, fosters and promotes the very special degree of connectivity that exists between Mayo and the greater Cleveland region. The society has also forged strong links with many leading American decision-makers and network representatives, creating a conduit for Mayo entrepreneurs and business leaders to gain valuable exposure in the USA.

Michael Gill, Head of the Department of Organisational Development ATU Mayo campus, explained how the campus has evolved to university status today from its establishment as a Regional Technical College in 1994 on the site of the former St. Mary's psychiatric hospital.

Mr. Gill also gave an overview of the broad range of full and part-time courses available and is looking forward to further engagement into the future.

Gerry Quinn said he is looking forward with confidence to the building of a strong and vibrant relationship between the ATU and universities in Ohio.

Students from the John Carroll University (JCU), Cleveland, sponsored by the Mayo society, are currently on placement with Mayo GAA. This type of initiative, Mr. Quinn explained, has the potential to grow and strengthen into the future.

Reference was also made to the Achill-Cleveland twinning relationship, which celebrates its 20th anniversary this year.

Mr. Quinn was officially welcomed to the Castlebar campus by Councillor Blackie Gavin, leas cathaoirleach of Castlebar Municipal District.

Others in attendance included Terence Dever, CEO, Comhlacht Forbartha Àitiùil Acla (CFAA), Michael Diskin, vice-treasurer, Mayo GAA and mentor to JCU students, and Billy McNicholas, head of coaching and games development at Mayo GAA.