German travel agents pictured at Foxford Woollen Mills with Denise Quinn of Tourism Ireland (left).

German travel agents fall for Mayo's charms

A group of travel agents representing 15 travel agencies based across Germany recently visited Mayo and explored some of the many things to see and do here.

They were invited here by Tourism Ireland in conjunction with Fáilte Ireland and the German tourism foundation Willy Scharnow-Stiftung für Touristik.

The aim of the travel agents’ visit is to familiarise them with Ireland and the superb tourism offering so that when they return home, they will be better informed and more enthusiastic than ever about Ireland when advising their clients about planning and booking their holidays here.

The group’s action-packed itinerary included a visit to Wild Nephin Ballycroy National Park, a bread-making experience with the Irish Soda Bread Way and a walking tour with Westport Walking Tours.

They also enjoyed tours of Foxford Woollen Mills and Westport House as well as a cycle along the Great Western Greenway from Newport to Mulranny, where they visited the Old Irish Goat Centre.

Nadine Lehmann, Tourism Ireland’s manager for Germany, said: “Tourism Ireland was delighted to invite this group of German travel agents to Ireland to experience at first-hand the wealth of things to see and do here for German holidaymakers.

“Seeing is believing – and our aim is that when they return home, they will be even more enthusiastic about the destination, helping to secure a greater share of their business for Ireland in 2023 and beyond.”