Mayo AC member Dee Corcoran (left) gets her health checks done at the club’s training session in Castlebar, with Croí staff Mary and Ann Marie and assistant Edith.

Mayo AC members avail of Croí health checks

MAYO AC were delighted to avail of Croí health checks recently. There was an excellent turnout of members at St. Mary's track in Castlebar and Claremorris track when the checks - pulse rate and blood pressure - were carried out prior to their weekly training sessions.

The checks were a continuation of Men’s Health Week when Croí nurses carried out 352 blood pressure checks in June.

In that week, free blood pressure checks were provided by the Croí health team across 11 events in Galway, Mayo and Roscommon.

High blood pressure (hypertension) is a sign that the heart and blood vessels are being overworked which in turn increases your risk of having a heart attack or a stroke. There’s only one way to know if you have high blood pressure - measure it!

The aim of the Men’s Health Week campaign was to raise awareness of the importance of getting regular blood pressure checks and managing high blood pressure. Croí encourages you to know your numbers.

It was really 'heartening' to see the Mayo AC turnout to take advantage of health checks.

The club has extended a big thank you to the Croí staff who carried out this vital service. And well done to all who availed of the opportunity.

Thanks also to Mayo AC member Colette Tuohy who arranged the two evenings.