Councillor Tom Connolly

Funding for safety works at overbridge on old railway line

AN allocation of funding for an overbridge on the Claremorris - Kiltimagh road has been welcomed.

Funding of €50,000 has been allocated by Irish Rail towards the safety works at the overbridge on the old railway line on the R320.

Said Councillor Tom Connolly: “In February 2023, I tabled a notice of motion highlighting the urgent need for safety works to be carried out at this location.

“A number of accidents have occurred at this location and I have consistently highlighted the need for something to be done to try and prevent further accidents in this area.

“I am very pleased that Irish Rail have agreed to carry out safety works at this location and that they have allocated €50,000 towards these works.

“I am hopeful that when these works are completed that it will be much safer for all road users.”