A Mayo View: Dump the cash kings in RTÉ

by Auld Stock

IT is difficult to feel sympathy for Ryan Tubridy and the other people in RTÉ’s top bracket for the murky muddle they now find themselves in.

It appears they were travelling on a non-stop gravy train for years, driverless, happy as Larry.

Tubridy was the toast of the nation and week after week we were enthralled by his antics on the Late Late Show.

He is now being crucified by our politicians and the people of Ireland.

His reputation has been shredded and it is doubtful if he will ever again feature on Irish television or radio.

A sad way to end his professional career as a renowned national entertainer.

On the credit side of his career, Tubridy raised millions of euro for people with special needs and gave those children the opportunity to appear before the footlights, a source of delight and pleasure for their proud parents.

The youngsters won the hearts of the nation.

Those special people and their parents will never forget the kindness and patience shown by Tubridy to their young sons and daughters.

However, it is doubtful if the people of Ireland will ever forgive RTÉ presenters for their waste of public money.

How the mighty have fallen.

The decent people of this country are the outraged with this sordid episode.

They deserve honest answers and reasonable explanations.

Whether those expectations are fulfilled is in serious doubt.

All parties involved in what can only be called as a mysterious con job should tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth.

Nothing else will satisfy the people of Ireland.

Dump the dinosaurs and cash kings in RTÉ.

Once and for all.